Sometimes small spark ignites a big thing.
Below feed you are going to find archive of selected interviews, articles, tips and info on tools.
They will inspire you.
Have a nice fishing!
This interview with me is the reprint the from original Drooble social network article.
Have a nice reading!
We are proud to introduce Artur Stawski from Sonic Science Lab with the following interview.
This is a unique opportunity for artists to meet mastering engineer who represents as much professionalism and engineering expertise as you can only find at highest levels of any industry.
We discuss Arturʼs story, his approach to mastering, technology impact and the industry’s future.
Artur grew up along with a love for music. He was introduced to audio electronics very early on (age 8). Since then he has been developing his engineering and critical listening skills.
He has built lots of audio tools and devices and has provided his engineering experience for top international companies.
Artur earned an engineering degree from the University of Warsaw in 1997 and Audio Engineering Society voting member status later on.
He learned from the best in the mastering business (e.g. Vlado Meller) and that turned into a business relationship. Currently, fully dedicated to the mastering profession.
We have found that some, even experienced engineers, have rather vague idea on how pre-ringing, a consequence of preservation of phase shift, sounds like. So, we’re going to fix that :).
Here you can find sound samples. We will put linear phase (LP) thing in a little different perspective. This is what we usually like to do with any topic :).
We also show you something more.
And at the end you will also have a chance to test your listening abilities. And win a prize!
The below samples have effects artificially exaggerated for easier listening. Artificially- it does not mean effects were artificially generated. It means we used a very specific combination of filters, their settings and programme material for effect manifestation.
The EQ brand and settings do not matter here. It happens we know a thing or two about EQ filters, so we are able to quickly dial-in the effect on almost any reasonable EQ.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
Ok, where’s the issue?
There are 2 kind of issues:
… yet surprisingly it is.
From what we can see moving around on the internet, there’s still the same information being repeated over and over. “Use dithering as the last step before exporting tracks” – sounds familiar?
It’s not a whole story, however!
There are also some unproven claims spread that dithering from floating point formats to fixed point one has no effect.
We shall show that this is clearly not true.
As we at Sonic Science Lab always pay special attention to quality, we decided to provide quick guidelines in LT for all interested. With hope the topic can be finally closed.
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